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"Real Estate can not be lost or stolen, it is about the safest investment in the world."

Franklin D Roosevelt


Say Hello to Yenmy!

To me, real estate isn’t about a one time purchase, it is about building generational wealth for your family.

To do this, you need an established real estate consultant that is in your corner, advocating for you in contract negotiations, identifying ways to capture equity right out of the gate, and avoiding potential areas of risk. You need a local expert who can help find that hidden gem, and strategically negotiate to get the right price!

Our mission is to provide you a concierge level of service that delivers you extraordinary results. We use a systematic approach with a proven framework to find the home of your dreams.

To help you the best way possible, we need to find out more information about your requirements. Please take a moment to find some time on my calendar, and fill out the buyer / seller questionnaire, so we can embark on your journey to building your real estate portfolio! We will learn about your unique situation and to put together a game plan to help you achieve your dreams.

How We Market Homes!

Through Digital ads, online searches, custom URLs, and social media we put your home in buyers' hands. We craft high-quality print ads, engaging advertorials, targeted emails, direct mail pieces, and luxury ads. We create the buzz and generate engaging conversations.

Have Questions?

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Home Ownership Starts Here!

If you are just getting started in real estate, it can be a bit overwhelming. Its important to have an advocate on your side, who will guide you through the process and help you make good decisions. If you have questions, or just want some guidance, you can book a call on our calendar right here:


Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. You want an agent who is invested to help your family build generational wealth.

Buyers Presentation
For Buyers
For Sellers


Getting top dollar for your home starts here. The next step is to schedule some time together to meet and chat about your property.

Sellers Presentation


Finding the right lending partner is a key part in the home buying process. If you would like a free consultation with our recommended lending experts, you can contact us here.

Free Consultation
For Buyers